The Veganic Taskforce is a group of volunteers who aim to transform the Bay Area into a lush veganic paradise!
Our Mission
We want to help you kickstart your own veganic garden.
Do you have questions like: What type of soil / fertilizer? Where to set up? What types of pots or plot? What is the best light/shade combo for your crops and location? What is a good watering schedule? What types of hoses & nozzles do I need?
What we will do
We volunteer our time and expertise (for free) to come to your home and help you create a small, customized veganic garden. Before this, we will discuss your particular situation and help or advise you in acquiring the necessary materials.
What is expected from you
Acquire all gardening supplies (seeds/starter plants, tools, soil, hose, etc) and commit to the upkeep of your garden. Also, ask lots of questions!
More info to follow! In the meantime, follow them on Facebook and come to their next meeting.